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Zest for Pilates

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Up to 12 people in classes thereby enabling Zoe to work with individuals to ensure they are exercising safely and correctly.

Wear something that you feel comfortable in and that you can move easily in without restriction, for example leggings and a t-shirt, and wear socks or bare foot.

Yes. You will need a mat, head cushion and small towel for an initial session. Regular participants use a resistance band, overball, a pair of massage balls and magic circle. Please ask Zoe if you are not sure what to bring.

Before joining a class it is advisable to have a private session to ensure that you are ready to join an existing class. During the session you will learn the Pilates fundamentals of aligning, breathing and centring, and Zoe will assess you to see what class would be best for you to join.

Yes, certainly. All classes are open to male clients, too. Pilates works to restore good postural alignment, correct muscle imbalances and find trigger points to relieve tension common to both genders. Men can experience the same benefits that women can by practicing Pilates regularly.

Pilates helps to strengthen core muscles which support your back. Physiotherapists, osteopaths and other health professionals recommend it, but always check with your doctor or health professional first if you are unsure.

Take a class at least once a week, but twice a week is common and what we suggest for most clients. Even if you just take just one session a week, you should try to do at least a few minutes of Pilates – whether at home or work daily.

Pilates is more dynamic than yoga but less high-impact than aerobics, running or gym exercising, which, unlike Pilates, may place damaging strain on joints and/or heart.

A Pilates class works on deepening the strength of your core muscles as well as being able to isolate and strengthen a specific muscle or tackle a particular problem with a rare precision. The result is a better balanced body

Whereas other forms of exercise can cause injuries, our Pilates exercises not only cure injuries but are themselves so controlled and low-impact that they are extremely safe. Pilates is a gentle, non-aerobic exercise method, which produces a healthy, toned, mobile body, and calm, relaxed mind.

Please contact Zoe, she will be able to advise you about which class may be best for you to attend.

Open your Enrolment Form. Click the right hand button at the top of the form that says ‘Open with a different viewer’. You should now be able to type information onto the new form and mail it back to Zoe.

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